News & Information


An update that fixes 29 vulnerabilities is now available.
07/26/2024   Linux Today

Linux Mint 22, codenamed “Wilma,”  was officially released and is now available for download. It is based on Ubuntu 24.04 and will be supported until 2029 and comes in three editions: Cinnamon, MATE, and XFCE. In this guide, we will walk you through the installation of the Linux Mint 22 XFCE Edition.

The post Linux Mint 22 XFCE Edition New Features and Installation appeared first on Linux Today.

07/26/2024   Linux Today

Gokapi 1.9, a lightweight self-hosted file share server, brings Redis integration, improved upload speeds, and a fresh Docker image.

The post Gokapi 1.9 File Share Server Introduces Redis Support appeared first on Linux Today.

An update that fixes one vulnerability is now available.
Several security issues were fixed in the Linux kernel.
07/26/2024   Linux Today

The Oracle’s VirtualBox 7.1 BETA introduces a fresh GUI, ARM support for macOS, revamped screen recording functionality, and more.

The post Here’s What to Expect from VirtualBox 7.1 appeared first on Linux Today.

Several security issues were fixed in the Linux kernel.
Several security issues were fixed in the Linux kernel.
* bsc#1222693 Cross-References: * CVE-2023-29483
07/25/2024   Linux Today

A year ago, I transitioned from the TUXEDO Pulse 15 Gen2 with a Ryzen 7 5700U processor to the TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 16 Gen8 with an Intel Core i7-13700H. While the InfinityBook Pro 16 is a powerful laptop, I, like many Linux users, increasingly value AMD processors for their strong Linux compatibility and focus on […]

The post TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 15 Gen9 Embraces AMD: Efficiency Meets Elegance appeared first on Linux Today.

07/25/2024   Linux Today

This article focuses on simple GUI text editors. These editors aren’t intended to offer the functionality provided by many text editors. Instead, they are designed for anyone wanting a very basic text editor with a convenient graphical interface.

The post 10 Free and Open-Source Simple GUI Based Linux Text Editors appeared first on Linux Today.

07/25/2024   Linux Today

Pydio Cells is a self-hosted document sharing and collaboration platform. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the installation of Pydio Cells on the Ubuntu 24.04 server with the MariaDB database and Apache as a reverse proxy.

The post How to Install Pydio Cells on Ubuntu 24.04 Server appeared first on Linux Today.

07/25/2024   Linux Today

In this guide, learn how to install the Yarn package manager on Ubuntu using NPM, Corepack, and the APT repository with practical examples.

The post How to Install Yarn on Ubuntu 24.04 (via 3 Methods) appeared first on Linux Today.

07/25/2024   Linux Today

OpenSSL introduces a new governance model & projects to enhance community participation and decision-making. Full details inside!

The post OpenSSL Unveils New Governance Model appeared first on Linux Today.

07/25/2024   Linux Today

In this tutorial, learn how to install multiple Python versions on Ubuntu using Pyenv without any conflict issues, and then create a separate virtual environment.

The post How to Install Multiple Python Versions on Ubuntu Using Pyenv appeared first on Linux Today.

07/25/2024   Linux Journal
Simplifying Linux System Administration with Webmin


Linux system administration encompasses managing the software and hardware of Linux systems, which can be complex, especially for those new to Linux or managing multiple systems. Fortunately, Webmin, a web-based interface, simplifies many of the routine tasks involved in maintaining a healthy Linux system. This article explores how Webmin can be an invaluable tool for beginners and seasoned system administrators alike by providing a straightforward approach to managing Linux configurations through a simple browser interface.

What is Webmin?

Webmin is an open-source web-based interface for system administration for Unix-like systems, including Linux. Developed by Jamie Cameron, Webmin removes the necessity for manually editing Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely. It extends its functionality by offering modules that manage various services, from web servers to updates.

Key Features and Benefits
  • User-friendly Interface: Manage services through a graphical user interface without needing deep command-line knowledge.
  • Modular Design: Customize its functionality with various standard and third-party modules.
  • Accessibility: Access your servers from anywhere through a standard web browser.
  • Flexibility: Compatible with many Unix systems and distributions including Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian.

Getting Started with Webmin

Webmin can be installed on virtually any machine running Unix-like systems, but it's typically run on servers. Minimal hardware requirements make it ideal for both old and new hardware.

Installation methods vary slightly between Linux distributions. Here's how to install Webmin on Ubuntu and CentOS.

Ubuntu Installation
  1. Update your package list: sudo apt update
  2. Install dependencies: sudo apt install wget perl
  3. Download the Webmin .deb package using wget:
  4. Install the package:

    sudo dpkg -i webmin_1.981_all.deb

  5. If there are missing dependencies, fix them:

    sudo apt-get install -f

CentOS Installation
  1. Add the Webmin repository:

    sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

    And add the following lines:

    [Webmin] name=Webmin Distribution Neutral # Replace `mirror` with the closest mirror site baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=

07/25/2024   Linux Today

You can find a list of the new features in Linux Mint 22 on their website, and I won’t be going over each of these points. Instead, I thought I would share my impression of Linux Mint 22 after a day or so of using it as my main work environment.

The post The First Hours of Linux Mint 22 appeared first on Linux Today.

07/23/2024   Linux Journal
The Pervasive Influence of Linux on Modern Software Development and DevOps


Since its inception in the early 1990s, Linux has grown from a hobbyist's project into a foundational pillar of the modern technological world. Its impact spans across various aspects of technology but is particularly pronounced in the realms of software development and DevOps. This article explores the transformative role of Linux in these fields, highlighting how its open source nature has fostered innovation, collaboration, and efficiency in building and managing software.

Linux and Software Development

Linux is more than just an operating system; it is a testament to the power of open source philosophy. Initiated by Linus Torvalds, Linux quickly became a flagbearer for open source development, demonstrating that collaborative, transparent, and freely accessible software could compete with, and often outperform, proprietary counterparts. This ethos has encouraged a culture of sharing and improvement, allowing developers worldwide to enhance the system and adapt it to a wide range of applications, from enterprise servers to personal computers.

A key aspect of Linux’s influence in software development is its rich ecosystem of tools and environments that enhance programming productivity and software quality. Tools like Git, originally developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development, have become ubiquitous in software version control. Bash, the Linux command shell, and scripting language, is integral for automating tasks, simplifying complex development processes, and orchestrating workflows. Additionally, Linux’s compatibility and support for a vast array of programming languages and development tools make it an ideal environment for both developing and deploying applications.

Linux has played a pivotal role in the development and popularization of several programming languages, notably Python and Ruby. These languages have thrived in part due to their strong integration and performance on Linux systems, which are commonly used for backend development. The Python programming language, for example, often used in scientific computing, web applications, and artificial intelligence, benefits significantly from the extensive libraries and frameworks developed in and for Linux environments.

Linux and DevOps Practices

In DevOps, automation is key, and Linux excels here. The operating system's ability to seamlessly integrate with various automation tools enables developers and system administrators to streamline their workflows. For instance, Jenkins, a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tool, runs natively on Linux and automates the parts of software development related to building, testing, and deploying, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing the scope for errors.

07/18/2024   Linux Journal
Maximizing Your Content Management System with Linux


In the evolving landscape of web development and management, choosing the right operating system (OS) for hosting your content management system (CMS) can significantly impact your site's performance, security, and cost efficiency. Linux, with its open source nature and robust features, has emerged as a preferred choice for developers and administrators worldwide. This article delves into the myriad benefits of using Linux for managing popular CMS platforms like WordPress and Drupal, highlighting why it stands out as the optimal solution for modern web infrastructure.

Cost Efficiency

One of the most compelling reasons to opt for Linux is its cost efficiency. Unlike proprietary operating systems that require costly licenses, Linux is open source and freely available. This absence of licensing fees translates to substantial savings, particularly for small businesses and startups operating on tight budgets. Furthermore, Linux's modest hardware requirements enable it to run efficiently on older or less powerful machines, reducing the need for expensive hardware upgrades.

In addition to the initial cost savings, Linux offers long-term economic benefits through its stability and low maintenance costs. The active and extensive Linux community continuously improves the OS, ensuring it remains free from significant bugs and vulnerabilities, thereby minimizing the need for expensive support contracts.

Stability and Performance

Linux is renowned for its stability and reliability, making it an excellent choice for hosting CMS platforms that require consistent uptime and robust performance. Many Linux distributions are designed to run for extended periods without requiring reboots, which is crucial for maintaining the availability of your website.

Performance is another area where Linux excels. Its efficient resource management capabilities ensure that your server can handle high traffic loads without compromising speed or responsiveness. This is particularly important for CMS platforms like WordPress and Drupal, which can become resource-intensive as they grow in size and complexity. By leveraging Linux, you can ensure that your website remains fast and responsive, providing a better user experience and improving SEO rankings.


Security is a paramount concern for any website, and Linux offers several built-in features that enhance its security profile. The open source nature of Linux means that its code is continuously scrutinized by a global community of developers and security experts, leading to rapid identification and patching of vulnerabilities.

07/16/2024   Linux Journal
Simple Linux Shell Scripts in Bash, Python, and Perl That Will Get You Up and Running


Linux, known for its robustness and flexibility, has been a favorite among developers, system administrators, and technology enthusiasts. One of the pillars of Linux's capabilities is its inherent support for powerful scripting languages. Scripting on Linux allows users to automate mundane tasks, streamline system management, and enhance productivity. Among the most popular languages for this purpose are Bash, Python, and Perl, each offering unique advantages and a rich set of features. This article aims to explore these scripting languages, offering practical examples and guidance to harness their potential effectively.


Bash (Bourne Again SHell) is the default shell on most Linux distributions and macOS. Its prevalence in the Unix-like world, straightforward syntax, and powerful command integration make it an ideal choice for quick and efficient scripting. Bash scripts can automate almost any task that can be done manually on the command line.

Key Features

Bash scripts can handle file operations, program execution, and text processing directly from the command line interface. They excel at:

  • Loop structures and conditionals: For repetitive and conditional operations.
  • Input/output handling: To manage data flow from files, commands, and user inputs.
Example Scripts

System Update Script

This Bash script automates the process of updating system packages. It's useful for maintaining several Linux systems or ensuring that your system is always up to date without manual intervention.

#!/bin/bash echo "Updating system packages..." sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y echo "System updated successfully!"

Backup Script

Creating regular backups is crucial. This script backs up a specified directory to a designated location.

#!/bin/bash SOURCE="/home/user/documents" BACKUP="/home/user/backup" echo "Backing up files from $SOURCE to $BACKUP" rsync -a --delete "$SOURCE" "$BACKUP" echo "Backup completed successfully."

07/11/2024   Linux Journal
What Is the Future of Ubuntu Robotics and AI Integration?


In the rapidly evolving world of technology, robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) have become focal points of innovation, driving significant changes across various sectors. As these technologies continue to advance, the need for robust, scalable, and versatile operating systems to support such developments becomes more apparent. Ubuntu, traditionally known for its solid performance in desktops and servers, has emerged as a key player in this revolution. This article explores Ubuntu Robotics, detailing its capabilities, tools, and contributions to building intelligent machines.

What is Ubuntu Robotics?

Ubuntu Robotics refers to the use of the Ubuntu operating system as a foundation for developing and operating robotic systems. It is an extension of the popular Linux distribution, tailored to meet the rigorous demands of modern robotics. Ubuntu provides a stable, secure, and flexible environment, making it ideal for handling complex robotic applications which require real-time processing, extensive data handling, and multi-layered connectivity.

Historical Context

The journey of Ubuntu from a user-friendly Linux distribution to a powerhouse for robotic innovation is remarkable. Initially designed to offer a reliable and user-friendly desktop experience, Ubuntu has expanded its capabilities to servers, clouds, and now robotics. This transition was facilitated by the development community's push for an OS that could reliably manage the intricate and often resource-intensive tasks that modern robotics demand.

Key Features

Ubuntu stands out in robotics due to its:

  • Stability and Reliability: Critical for applications requiring continuous operation.
  • Extensive Support: Backed by a vast community and professional support from Canonical.
  • Compatibility: Supports a wide range of hardware and software, including GPUs for AI computations and various sensors used in robotics.

Core Technologies and Tools

At the heart of Ubuntu Robotics are several key technologies and tools that facilitate the development and deployment of robotic systems:

ROS is an open source framework for robot software development. Ubuntu is the preferred platform for ROS due to its stability and ease of integration. ROS on Ubuntu simplifies tasks like hardware abstraction, low-level device control, and message-passing between processes.

Gazebo is a powerful simulation tool that integrates seamlessly with ROS and Ubuntu. It allows developers to simulate robots in complex environments with realistic physics.

07/09/2024   Linux Journal
How to Monitor an Ubuntu Server With Prometheus: Collecting and Visualizing System Metrics


In today's fast-paced digital world, server uptime and performance are critical. Monitoring servers to ensure they are functioning optimally is a top priority for system administrators and DevOps teams. Effective server monitoring can prevent downtime, improve performance, and help troubleshoot issues before they escalate. One of the most powerful tools for this purpose is Prometheus, an open source monitoring and alerting toolkit originally developed at SoundCloud.

This article aims to walk you through the process of setting up Prometheus for monitoring Ubuntu servers. We will cover everything from installation and configuration to collecting and visualizing system metrics. By the end of this guide, you will have a fully functional monitoring setup that can provide valuable insights into your server's performance.

Understanding Prometheus

What is Prometheus?

Prometheus is a robust monitoring system that collects metrics from configured targets at specified intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays results, and triggers alerts if certain conditions are observed. It has become the de facto standard for monitoring in cloud-native environments. Key features of Prometheus include:

  • Multi-dimensional data model: Prometheus uses a time series data model, allowing for high-dimensional data collection and querying.
  • Flexible query language: PromQL, the Prometheus Query Language, is highly flexible and powerful.
  • Autonomous server: Prometheus can run independently without relying on distributed storage.
  • Efficient storage: Stores time series data efficiently in a local time series database.
  • Pull-based model: Prometheus collects metrics by pulling them from target endpoints.
Benefits of Using Prometheus for Server Monitoring
  • Scalability: Prometheus can handle a large number of metrics, making it suitable for environments of any size.
  • Integration with Grafana: Prometheus integrates seamlessly with Grafana, a leading open source platform for monitoring and observability, for advanced visualization.
  • Rich ecosystem: A wide range of exporters and integrations are available, making it easy to extend Prometheus to meet specific needs.

Setting Up Prometheus on Ubuntu

System Requirements

Before installing Prometheus, ensure your Ubuntu server meets the following minimum requirements:

07/04/2024   Linux Journal
Running Windows on Linux? Yes, It's Possible with Wine and Proton!


The Linux operating system is renowned for its stability, security, and open-source nature, making it a popular choice among software developers, IT professionals, and technology enthusiasts. However, one persistent challenge for Linux users is the limited compatibility with Windows-exclusive software applications and games. This limitation can be a significant barrier, particularly when transitioning from Windows to Linux. Fortunately, solutions like Wine and Proton have emerged, offering tools to bridge this gap by allowing Windows applications to run on Linux environments. This article explores how these tools work, their applications, and guidance on setting them up effectively.

Understanding Wine

What is Wine?

Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, and BSD. Unlike an emulator that mimics internal Windows logic, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on-the-fly, eliminating performance and memory penalties of emulation and allowing you to integrate Windows applications into your desktop flawlessly.

History of Wine

Developed initially in 1993, Wine has evolved significantly, benefiting from contributions by a vibrant community of developers and enthusiasts. It supports a vast array of applications, making it a crucial tool for users who need to run Windows software on non-Windows platforms.

Installing Wine

Installation methods vary by Linux distribution:

  • Ubuntu/Debian: Use sudo apt install wine
  • Fedora: Use sudo dnf install wine
  • Arch Linux: Use sudo pacman -S wine

After installation, it's advisable to run the winecfg command to configure Wine for optimal performance.

Exploring Proton

What is Proton?

Proton is a fork of Wine, customized and maintained by Valve Corporation. It's integrated with the Steam client as part of Steam Play, allowing games that were only available on Windows to run on Linux-based operating systems. Proton has been instrumental in bringing mainstream gaming to Linux.

Installing and Configuring Steam with Proton

To use Proton, you must install Steam first:

07/02/2024   Linux Journal
How to Divide Two Variables in Bash Scripting


Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks on Linux and Unix-like systems. While it's well-known for managing file and process operations, arithmetic operations, such as division, play a crucial role in many scripts. Understanding how to correctly divide two variables can help in resource allocation, data processing, and more. This article delves into the nuances of performing division in Bash, providing you with the knowledge to execute arithmetic operations smoothly and efficiently.

Basic Concepts

Understanding Variables in Bash

In Bash, a variable is a name assigned to a piece of data that can be changed during the script execution. Variables are typically used to store numbers, strings, or file names, which can be manipulated to perform various operations.

Overview of Arithmetic Operations

Bash supports basic arithmetic operations directly or through external utilities. These operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, Bash inherently performs integer arithmetic, which means it can only handle whole numbers without decimals unless additional tools are used.

Introduction to Arithmetic Commands

There are two primary ways to perform arithmetic operations in Bash:

  • expr: An external utility that evaluates expressions, including arithmetic calculations.
  • Arithmetic expansion $(( )): A feature of Bash that allows for arithmetic operations directly within the script.

Setting Up Your Script

Creating a Bash Script File

To start scripting, create a new file with a .sh extension using a text editor, such as Nano or Vim. For example:


Making the Script Executable

After writing your script, you need to make it executable with the chmod command:

chmod +x

Basic Syntax

A Bash script typically starts with a shebang (#!) followed by the path to the Bash interpreter:

#!/bin/bash # Your script starts here

Declaring Variables

Assigning Values

To declare and assign values to variables in Bash, use the following syntax:

var1=10 var2=5

These variables can now be used in arithmetic operations.

Performing Division

Using expr

The expr command is useful for integer division:

06/27/2024   Linux Journal
How to Build Your Own Portable Linux

Linux offers a versatile platform for various computing needs, and creating a portable Linux distribution on a USB drive unlocks a world of mobility and flexibility. Whether you're a developer needing a consistent environment, a student testing out different distributions, or someone who needs a secure system while traveling, a portable Linux USB drive can be invaluable. This guide will walk you through selecting the right distribution, creating a bootable USB, configuring it for persistent storage, and troubleshooting common issues.

Introduction to Portable Linux Distributions

A portable Linux distribution is a fully operational version of the Linux operating system configured to run from a USB flash drive. This setup allows users to operate any compatible computer from the USB without affecting the host machine's native operating system. The benefits are numerous: privacy protection, system recovery, security testing, and the ability to carry your desktop with you wherever you go.

Choosing the Right Linux Distribution

The first step in creating a portable Linux system is choosing the right distribution. The ideal choice depends on your needs:

  • Lightweight: Lightweight distributions are crucial for performance when running from a USB drive. Examples include Lubuntu, Puppy Linux, and Porteus.
  • Support and Compatibility: Consider distributions with active communities and frequent updates, like Ubuntu or Fedora.
  • Persistent vs. Non-persistent: Decide if you need persistent storage (where changes are saved across sessions) or a non-persistent setup (which resets after each reboot).
Preparing to Create Your Bootable USB Drive

Before you create your portable Linux, you need a few things:

  • USB Drive: A minimum of 8 GB is recommended for most distributions, though 16 GB or more is ideal for those requiring persistent storage.
  • Host Computer: Any computer with internet access, capable of downloading the Linux distribution and writing it to the USB drive.
  • Software Tools: Tools like Rufus, UNetbootin, or Balena Etcher will help write the Linux ISO file to your USB drive effectively.

Ensure your USB drive is empty or back up its data as it will be formatted during the setup process.

Creating the Bootable USB Drive

Creating your bootable Linux USB involves several key steps: