News & Information


Kids aren't just small adults. From diet and nutrition to their reactions to medicine, their bodies are unique. Read these Consumer Updates to learn more.
From blood to vaccines, FDA protects and advances the public health by ensuring that biological products are safe, effective, and available to those who need them. Read these Consumer Updates to learn more.
Is your medicine cabinet full of expired drugs or medications you no longer use? Here's how to dispose of your expired, unwanted, or unused medicines.
Información para el consumidor sobre la seguridad de los medicamentos y medicinas.
Z-drugs (prescribed for insomnia) may help you sleep, but also carry serious risks. FDA is adding its most prominent warning, a Boxed Warning, to the label. Find out the benefits as well as risks of taking Z-drugs.
Los medicamentos para dormir (prescritos para el insomnio) pueden ayudarlo a conciliar el sueño, pero también conllevan graves riesgos. La FDA está añadiendo su advertencia más visible -un recuadro de advertencia a la etiqueta. Descubra los beneficios y los riesgos de tomar medicamentos para dormir.
El sarampión no es una inofensiva enfermedad infantil. Es peligrosa y puede poner en peligro la vida. Nuestra medida de salud pública más eficaz contra el sarampión es la prevención mediante la vacuna contra el sarampión.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is collaborating with patients, academics, and the pharmaceutical industry to encourage the development of new treatments for sickle cell disease (SCD).
Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, resulting in more than 480,000 deaths annually. Almost 70 percent of current smokers report wanting to quit smoking, but quitting can be hard and often takes multiple attempts. Learn the facts.
Unfortunately, when faced with a serious health issue, even the most rational person can be led to believe implausible claims.
Measles is not a harmless childhood disease. It's dangerous and can be life-threatening. Our most effective public health measure against measles is prevention with the measles vaccine.
Información para el consumidor sobre la nutrición.
Información para el consumidor sobre el fraude en la salud y cómo evitar ser estafado.
These purported miracle cures are sold primarily on the Internet. They are often, though not always, falsely labeled as dietary supplements. Regardless of their form, these products fly in the face of true science. What these companies are selling is false hope.
Tenga cuidado con las falsas promesas de las supuestas curas para el Alzheimer
Información para el consumidor sobre la seguridad de los suplementos dietéticos.
Información para el consumidor sobre la salud de la mujer
Información para el consumidor sobre la seguridad de medicamentos y alimentos para los niños.
Información para el consumidor sobre la seguridad y operación de los dispositivos médicos
Información para el consumidor sobre la seguridad de las vacunas, sangre y productos biológicos.